Sunday, June 6, 2010

Good Bye First Grade

Brooke said good bye to 1st grade on Friday. I can't believe that we have a 2nd grader already! She had a great year and made some great new friends. We can't believe everything she has learned this year, she has come such a long ways from the beginning of school. She learned how to read really well thanks to some extra help. She started reading at a level 4 and is now reading at level 18! She also learned how to write, addition, subtraction, factions, Bible memory work, field trips and so much more. Her teacher was great this year she did a great job with the kids this year. Above is what she wrote the first day of school and the bottom one is what she wrote at the end of the school year. It's fun to see how far her writting has come.
They had a field trip on Thursday to the Children's Museum and the Zoo. I went along with the class for the day. We headed to the museum in the morning and then headed to the zoo for a picnic lunch and spent the afternoon at the zoo. The girls loved seeing all the animals and petting the sting rays. It was a joy to see Brooke enjoying herself with her friends.

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