Friday, January 2, 2009

Great Day :)

Today has been such a great day for Ashley and the family. Heather got there this morning and told her that they were taking the breathing tube out today. About 9:30 this morning she was free to breath on her own. She did well with no oxygen for a while, but they put it back on her at a very low setting. All the IV's are out the only thing let in is the oxygen in her nose and the feeding tube. This afternoon the nurse fed her a bottle for the first time, she did quite well she drank about 1 1/2 ounces. We are able to hold our little one again it's been 4 days since we could do that. She is opening her eyes and looking at us - it's great to have our baby back. They will take the feeding tube out if she does well feeding the next two times. She is still in ICU probably for the night and then get transferred for a few day and then hopefully home. We are taking one day at a time and not getting our hopes up. Thanks for all your prayers and keep them coming.


Charity said...

Great news! I'm so glad you are able to hold her again...that is so important...for all of you! We will continue to pray for progress for Ashley and patience for the rest of the family!

Anonymous said...

So happy to hear that Ashley is making good progress. I know it all seems like baby steps when what you really want is giant leaps, but it is positive progress and I'm glad that you are rejoicing in each step. How wonderful that you could hold her again! We continue to pray for you throughout the day. I've been praying my favorite hymn, "Great is Thy Faithfulness" for you...especially the 3rd verse -- Peace that Endureth, God's Presence to Cheer & to Guide, Strength for Today, Bright Hope for Tomorrow, & Many Blessings!

Megan said...

I'm so happy for you guys and Ashley! It was so hard seeing her with everything in her, but I am so excited she is doing better. So glad you guys could hold her again! I couldnt imagine not being able to hold your child when they are sick. :( We will be up again maybe tomorrow.

Megan said...

FYI- I was just reading the side profile of you guys...You have listed Ashley's birth Dec. 4, 2006. ...thought I'd let ya know! She would be one tiny 2 year old!

Anonymous said...

Great news for the New Year!!!! She'll be home soon! We're thinking of you guys everyday!

love ya-toni