Monday, September 19, 2011

Labor Day

We never go any where over Labor Day, with the girls in school already. This year we ventured seven miles north with the trailer to West Olive. We camped in the in-laws yard for the weekend. We had so much fun, who knew there is so much to do in West Olive? The girls had a blast and we think it was their best camping trip of the year. We brought our "big" pool along and filled it up with hot water and the girls called it their hot tub. We went stooped to red neck level and set up a big slip and slide with tarps in the back yard. It might have been red neckish, but it sure was the highlight of the weekend by all. The girls got to play in the creek for the first time. We went hiking at Hemlock Crossing one morning. We ventured down the Pigeon River in canoes. We started at the in-laws and almost made it to the lake. From the in-laws to Hemlock Crossings was NO FUN. It's not cleared out so we had to walk in the river most of the way with sticks, trees, branches, and big holes that you don't see until your waste deep. The kids stayed in the canoes since they were so light, but the rest of us walked. Next time we will be starting at Hemlock. Other than starting out we had a great time of the river! Brooke wanted to shoot the bb gun, 4-10, and the bow so bad so we spent an afternoon shooting. We had a great time and we hope to do it again next year.

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