Wednesday, November 4, 2009

11 Months and New Tricks

Ashley turned 11 months today. I can't believe that in 4 weeks she will be 1 where did the time go. She is such a layed back girl, she just watches her sister's and everything else going on around the house. She always has a smile on her face all you have just have to look at her and she just beams. She is starting to pull herself up on things and crawling super speed. She does not have any teeth yet, but she still eats great. Here are some of her new tricks that she does.

You tell her to go night night she will lay her head on the floor. She will do this like 10 times in a row. It's so dumb cute.

Climbing into the entertainment center.

Puckering her lips. It's so funny when she does it that we laugh at her and then she keeps doing it. We might have problems when she grows up.

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