Tuesday, September 23, 2008


As you can see Corey got hold of the blog and now thinks that deer hunting is more important than anything else - tis the season. He just got home from another trip to Missouri on Sunday only 2 more to go. We stayed pretty busy around home while he was gone. Grandma De Vries had the girls Friday while I worked. Saturday we just spent the day at home and got some good cleaning done around the house. No naps for the girls on Sat. so it was a long day for all of us. Brooke wanted to go to Wolfies for supper so my parents joined us. Sunday was church and Sunday School. We all got some good naps in and Corey came home around 7:00. The girls sure do miss him when he's gone. I get my weekend away this weekend. This will be the third year that I take the trailer out to Holland State Park and scrapbook all weekend by myself. I can't wait. I almost forgot we got an offer on the house last week and I don't know what people are thinking when they put in offers, but we just laughed at our offer. We countered offered on Thursday, but haven't heard back. I guess they need to decide if they want to buy a smaller house now and then move again in a few years or get a house they can grow into. It's a no brainer to me, but we'll have to see what the next couple days hold. I so want to move before the baby comes and not have to worry about showing the house and moving with 3 kids. I'm not getting my hopes up because we've been through this before.

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