Saturday, July 12, 2008

Big Star Lake

Back from a week at the lake. We had a great time - it went so fast even though we didn't do much. The girls loved the water I think they were in the water with their clothes on most of the time. The weather was a little cool so not much swimming for the adults. Kenzie made soup everyday with sand and water. Brooke hung out with Kelsey and Brit most of the week. I had so much help from everyone there it was great (thanks for entertaining my kids). Brooke went fishing one night in the big red boat and caught the only fish she was so proud of herself and had to call dad right way. the girls collected snail shells, rocks, and acorns and yes they all came home with us. The mosquitoes were so bad this year you couldn't sit outside at night at all and even during the day they were bad. It's great to be home and sleep in our own beds and give the girls baths and not showers.

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