Thursday, September 1, 2011

How can it be?

How can summer be over already? I'm sure I say this every year, but summer just flew by and we still have a list of things we would like to do yet. The girls went back to school this week. They were so ready to be back and I was ready too. I don't like the waking up early part and the driving them in every day. I don't know how I have a 3rd grader and a Kindergartner already. Kenzie goes 2 1/2 days a week. This is a big change for her going the full days. Kenzie's first day was Tuesday all day and she loved it. I picked her up after school and asked how her day went she said "Awesome and I didn't eat my sandwich" oh Kenzie. Ashley was lost most of the day with her sister's gone. It was so quite in the house no fighting which has been terrible the last few weeks of summer. Brooke had a good first day too. Her favorite part was Math and the least favorite part was all the reading they did. She seems to enjoy her teacher too which is good coming from a very high dynamic classroom last year. I hope and pray that all the teacher's and student's have a great year!Kenzie looking over her room on Monday before school starts.

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