Monday, January 26, 2009

Update on Ashley

It's been a while since I updated you on Ashley. Things have been so busy around here since she got home. She is doing great. She went back to the doctor 2 weeks ago and her lungs sounded good and she gained a pound during that week in the hospital she was 7 pounds and 3 ounces. Her first two nights at home were very long she just didn't want to sleep I guess that's what happens when you sleep for 4 days straight. She always thought she needed to eat I think we got that back on schedule to. We have been house bound with her for the last 2 weeks can you say stir crazy!! Two weeks later she is sleeping almost through the night going about 6 hours. She is starting to be more awake and looks around at her toys and her sister's. She is starting to fill out more. We are so thankful for everyone who helped us out, offered helped and all the prayers for our family during our rough December.

1 comment:

Megan said...

It is amazing how differnt she is now awake all the time! It is so nice to see those big eyes!