Saturday, January 30, 2010


Our church had a Skating Party this week so we decided to take the two older girls. They were so excited to go even thou they had no idea what it was about. We dropped Ashley off at my parents for the first half of the night then they brought her to the rink later. They girls did great skating Brooke caught on pretty fast. Brooke was ready to go on the big rink with us soon after she started. By the end of the night she was skating by herself on the big rink. At the end of the night she was falling most of the time and was super tied. Kenzie, well she never really got the hang of it. She was more interested in doing the splits and kicking her legs in the air while we held on to her. One thing she could do well is walk baby steps in her skates - well it's a start. Once Ashley came we pushed her in the stroller on the rink. She loved looking up at the lights and hearing the music. When we got there we had to wait outside to get in talk about going back to our middle school days. Neither one of use have not been skating since middle school it's just like riding a bike it all comes back to you. We hope to do it again soon. The pictures didn't turn out the greatest but here are some.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Look who's walking and has a tooth

That's right Ashley finally got her first tooth last week. It only took her 13 months to get one, but it's there. Hoping that all her other ones come in soon. Below is a picture of her tooth it's hard to see but it's there.

She started walking the last few days. She stands by herself and raises her arms and screams with a big smile it's so cute. Tonight she started out by herself and no help.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Ashley's 1 year Pictures

For those of you that are wondering Ashley's MRI came back normal!!!! A true answer to prayer.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

MRI for Ashley

Ashley had her first MRI on her brain Wednesday. She did great cindering that she couldn't have anything to eat after midnight and nothing to drink after 7:00 a.m. that morning. Her MRI was scheduled for 11:00 a.m. and we had to be there at 9:30. She did good for a half hour and then she turned into a crank. With all the toys that they had for her to play with she wanted nothing to do with them. She got her sedation medicine around 10:45 and it took her about 10 minutes to fall asleep. The MRI went well they found nothing abnormal and she laid very still for them. We could hear her crying down the hall as they wheeled her back, but I got her back to sleep and she slept for another hour. It was so funny when she woke up and for the rest of day she was unbalanced and a little loopy. I would sit her on the floor and she would tip over it was funny. The worst part of the whole day was watching her being wheeled out and she had oxygen on it brought back so many memories of last year.
Sound asleep on my lap.